UNTOLD: KONAN - TRAPPED IN TRAUMA | Channel 4 Documentaries
In this episode of UNTOLD, we gain intimate and unprecedented access to Konan’s private therapy sessions, who has only recently been diagnosed with PTSD. Konan, one half of award-winning rap duo Krept and Konan, is for the first time confronting his own trauma and guilt brought on by seeing gunmen targeting him, murder his stepfather instead. Over 300,000 people aged 16-24 are suffering from undiagnosed and untreated post-traumatic stress disorder in the UK, exclusive data analysis and research for Channel 4 has revealed. UNTOLD: Konan - Trapped in Trauma, raises the alarm on what experts say is a crisis in youth mental health across the UK. Meeting some of the thousands of young people suffering from PTSD, Konan learns how difficulties in getting treatment and a lack of understanding of the disorder contributing to a mounting crisis and discovers how treatment can help improve his life.